Dear came to kampar after work to find me.....so happy.......
so headed for lunch at sushi king.....my fav.....ate so much....so full.....
then after few hours went for sports....basketball for dear n joggin for me(=
after dear`s basketball session he vomit while accompany me to westlake garden
to jog......
eww....so geli.......he said he exercise vigorously.....tat`s y got tat effect.......
my bad too for askin him to pui me although he said he cant......sorry dear )=
after tat....he sleep like a pig.....while i was starving.......aikssss.......
then headed for pizza.....my fav too....hehe(=
we ordered the new pizza........n also chicken meatball.....i tought the meatball is
wit spagethi
but too bad don have....sad....nt gonna order tat again.....dear stop me from
ordering so much....hehe...cos he noe i cant finish all.....so many ppl although is
already9.30pm......waited for so long.....while waitin camwhore alittle.......
Me SYoK sEnDIrI.........hEhe(=
OuR loVe Is etErnItY........
Eat n eat n eat once the food arrive.......cos so hungry@@
the bill came up to..........
sorry dear for using so much of ur money.......
but im happy to have u by my side always(=
love you(=
M Social Resort Penang 𝐎𝐅𝐅𝐈𝐂𝐈𝐀𝐋𝐋𝐘 𝐎𝐏𝐄𝐍
6 days ago
1 ♥♥♥:
hey gurl.......u r quite big eating o................... But you still look thin. Nice Exercise yo~
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