Went to St.Anne today.....at bukit mertajam......went thr every year.....
so it is like a must to go....After so long goin out wit family again......
let the picture speaks.......
Me duRIng THe JouRNeY.....
FIrSt VIeW...........it Is A chuRcH......
fIRsT stOp........
HIgHeSt......WHeRebYwE NeEd TO cliMb ThE sTAIrS IN orDeR to B Up THeR....
On THE wAy DOwN.........
sWEaTY.....wEaTHeR Is HOt.......
Here are the scenery of St.Anne......
NeW CHuRcH......
OutSIDe THe CHuRch......
hOLy WaTeR.......
iT iS cAlL Dai SaN GeOk IN cAnTONeSe.....Y does it said so?!?because it is located below the mountain hill as u can c in the pic......where by there is a big mountain there(=
went for lunch before goin back.......n bought ice cream......hehe...is a must for me n my bro to buy ice cream there.....bought it everytime we went there!!!!!
oUr ICe-CrEaM.....
gUEsS wAt is thIs?!?
DUcK rICe.....fIRsT timE eAtIN A duCK RIcE tAt LOokS liKE tAt......GOsH@@
then back around5pm......online awhile....headed for dinner.......wit family again(=korean food!!!!
My ShAdoW of THe DaY........
tHe ReStAuRaNt........
thE ENvIROnmENt.......
THe MeNu-FroNT......
KOrEaN tEa whICh ALsO KnOWn As bArlEy TEa.......
tAstE wEIrD.....ReALly WeiRd....ABit OF coFFEe TaSTe......DOn LIke IT....prEFeR gReEn TeA....
duMplINg.....Nt BaD....
tHE siDe DIshEs....SOme WErE NicE....suM doEs Not...
FrIeD rICe CaKe....NT bAd....
ABIt SpiCY foR Me.....
BbQ poRk n bEeF....
poRk tAStE goOd BUt bEeF so HArd.....
CHeW unTIL My GUMs ALso pAIn.....
CutE bOy......
THiS boY is ReALlY cuTe....mY coUSin`s SOn....
HIs nAMe IS NichOLaS....aGE2.....
he Is SO cuTe.....n cAn TalK so WelL
mE wiT THe CUTe BOy.......=)
the meal costs about rm1043........
gosh....so expensive.......around30ppl went for the meal....tat`s y the bill up to 1043........
i prefer japanese food more than korean food......
if i get to choose....i would choose japanese food rather than korean food.......
many ppl cant accept the taste of korean food cos it bring alittle bitter in their dishes.........
so overall......is jz average.........nt a good food to eat.......
next destination will b kizuna....a japanese restaurant....hope to go there one day......
since korean food is out of the list d.......the food i ate during the first time i went to the korean restaurant taste better compare to my latest visit to the restaurant...
kizuna......wait for me(=
M Social Resort Penang 𝐎𝐅𝐅𝐈𝐂𝐈𝐀𝐋𝐋𝐘 𝐎𝐏𝐄𝐍
6 days ago
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