Today having fun doin pau in the afternoon.....
actually lazy to help my mum...
then she keep on grumble....
so i helped her le......
rolling rolling n rolling.....
i mean the pau...
not me rolling on the floor....
c the pictures ba!!!
wah!!!!so many pau!!!!!
my mum made it!!!
not me....i noe how to eat ni....
my mum made many kinds of pau.........
"cUrRy" pau!!!!!
"KaYa" PAu!!! HaVeNt TaSTe It!!! So
DOnNo HOw IT TaStE liKe....
"ChoCOlATe SPrEaD" pAU!!!
yUmMY!!! buT tHe SKin Is JUs TOO
LeT me SHoW u THe PRocEss OF pAU mAKinG........:)
BeFoRE it IS rEaDy TO sTeAM.....
It IS reAdY nW!!!CANT u C!!!! IT is BigGer Nw.......SO iS timE foR
steAMiNg!!!! C i SO gOod DOIn STeAMinG sPa FOr
THe PAu!!!
sTeAmINg ProCeSs......
ReAdY tO eAt!!!!
tat was the pau making thingy.....
then at nite!!!!
mY dearie came over for dinner.......
so my mum cooked prawn,chicken,vege n soup.....
at first, dearie said nt coming....
then my mum said if she don come,she will chop me....n....i need to finish up
my stomaach so smalll...where can finish.....
my dearie sesat d when she come from her office!!!!
so waited n waited....
at last she reached my house safely.....
then we ate our dinner together....wit my family too.....
after tat bla bla bla le.....
dearie suppose to do eyelash extention for me....
but she got bookin...
so tak jadi le.....
next time ba dearie!!!sure got chance geh!!!
i miss u le!!!!
wait me back from penang!!!
then we hang out again.....
M Social Resort Penang 𝐎𝐅𝐅𝐈𝐂𝐈𝐀𝐋𝐋𝐘 𝐎𝐏𝐄𝐍
6 days ago
7 ♥♥♥:
That look delicious what does it taste like?
not bad!!!wanan try@@btw...who r u luix????
ah I'm luis, no you don't know me i was just browsing Blogs. you can see mine if you like at Luisart.co.cc and yea it would be nice to try That kind of food. what part part of the world is that kind of food?
malaysia, luix!!!!!!u can come over to malaysia if u wna to try!!!!if u r from another country!!!
wow Malasia is realy realy far place XD!!! I just google earth it. It be nice if you coul tell me how to make it. I'm from Mexico, but I'm curently studing at USA. And I don't think that I could go all the way there lol . Maybe later in the future XD!!
erm...i donno how to make it...im juz helpin my mum....i don really know how to do it!!!!im sorry!!!mayb u can find it in the recipe book!!
Ah okies :)
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