woke up at9am.....
b guai lui awhile help mum mop the floor.......
after tat ban leng leng go gai gai lo.....
so went to picked Mr Eric at "The Store"........It is called Ocean last time...
for those who stay in Ipoh will noe la.....
then headed to old town for Ipoh Famous Chicken KUey Teow......hehe:)
YuMMy!!!!!DO Try IT wHen u COmE tO ipOh.........
suppose to go to another shop but...the other stall was close.....aikssss:)
tat stall chicken kuew teow taste better:)plus more variety there.....
ps:kor,faster come ipoh....i bring u there to eat:)n also alot of nice food in Ipoh:)
OuR dRInKs:)
SeAcOCoNUt N cRySenthEmuM......
guess wat!?!
we(eric n me)met the director of "Sepet"(is a movie name)n also the actress of tat
no wonder so many ppl there....cos they r gonna have their film shootin there......
so lucky.....
sure take pic le.....can bangga bangga abit ma......
actress wo....hehehe:)
so b4 we reached the place where I park my car......
take pic first lo.....hehehe:)thanks Eric for nt being coward!!!!!LOl :D
pRePaRatiOn FOr SHootInG!!!!!!!!So ManY pPl......
ThE diReCToR n Us:)
tHe AcTrEsS n Me:)
SO pRoUd:)
after tat vroom to Ipoh Parade for k session:)
suPPose to have our k session but.....
Eric need to do sum stuff....so i walked alone in I.P lo.....
after awhile Eric came but im stuck wit those beautician.....
they asked me to go for facial....
aikssss!!!!!!they successfully perdaya me into it....so Rm50 gone........
right after tat k session lo!!!!wat else!!!hehe
yea!!!!!!!!!i love to sing:)
so la la la la~~~
sumthing embarassing happened!!!!!!!
Eric said tat the music is too loud but there is no remote control to turn down the
so i approached the ppl there by telling them the music is too loud n there is no
control to turn down the volume...
i told them twice since they didnt come in the first time i called them....
when the guy in charge came.....he said tat the control tat used to choose song can
turn down the volume of the music....
tat time i really feel like wacking Mr Eric......
cos he is the1 saying tat the control don have the function.....when i talked to the
guy in charge,i raised up my voice a little......
all bcos of Eric la.....ishhhh!!!!!!!!
so Pai Seh.........
then camwhore a little then walk around le......
VeRn:)ThE cUTiE:)
eRiC:) thE poSer:)
met this guy while we camwhore..... so i took his pic as welll:)hehehe
ThiS iS thE guY i Met!!!!! ErIC`s FrEn:)
After he left....
we still camwhor-ing le....
us le....hehe:)
cute rite:0
LOL(my kor`s fav word)
copyrighted by me:)
after tat went cold storage le....
i bought wafer n corn.....
cos hungry le.....
after tat walked walked n walked to Watson!!!!
bought tissue:)
since its raining so waited awhile b4we went back home le.....
Us B4 GOiN BcK!!!!!
iN dA cAr:)
after the rain stop.....vroom back to my house le.....
dropped Eric at the store......
reached home around5pm.....
today is the last day of2008........
so goodbye2008....
gonna start a new life.....
in the year2009.....
hope the year2009 will b the best year!!!!!!!!
happy New YeAr!!!!!!!!!!
M Social Resort Penang 𝐎𝐅𝐅𝐈𝐂𝐈𝐀𝐋𝐋𝐘 𝐎𝐏𝐄𝐍
6 days ago
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