Woke up at6am in da morning....
anyway didnt really sleep la...
slept for around1hour ni.....
then dress up myself for the weddin....
cos...the bridegroom will b coming at7.30am....
so everythin have to b done b4 the bridegroom come...
actually my cousin rented two apartment....
my family were staying in another apartment...
so i need to walk to another apartment...
jus a few minutes walk....hehe:)
prepare those things tat we planned to play the bridegroom....
there r many game we had prepared for the bridegroom....
first was the stamina test!!!
for the stamina test he need to do pumping for200times....
crazy man!!!but it is divide among his heng tai la...
next will b the breakfast for the bridegroom....
cornflake+lemon....and chi-sin drink which contain....
chocolate milk+coke+cheese=?!?and also sushi wit wasabi and cili padi
next will b testing his intelligent....erm...
anyway his result damn bad..the bridegroom nt sporting at all...
almost all the game he asked his heng tai to help...
last two game was singing n dancing....
omg!!!he donno how to sing chinese song...juz manage to sing three
words which is 'I LOVE YOU'....another ABC...haha:)
b4 he get to c his beautiful wife....
there is another block at the door...which he need to give ang pau....
after ceremony end....
headed to the bridegroom`s house....
so tired!!!!
headed for lunch at the restaurant....which is also the wedding lunch...
nt wedding dinner....
they didnt start the lunch on time....so b4 they serve us food....sure
camwhor-ing la...hehe:)
bluR eFFEct......
BefORE thE WeDdINg luNCh.....
tHE wEdDinG coUPLe.....
LovELy COuplE.....
In the restaurant.......
there is song request....
which means we request song for others to sing for us....
is like song dedication.....
let the picture s speaks......
GrEaT SINgER..... Real good especially the one
standing on the
NeXT JAy CHoU WaNnABe.....
they sang "Qing Li Zhi Wai"......
so eat n eat n eat lo....
wat else to do in a restaurant.....
around 3sumthing....
the wedding lunch end.....
headed back to ipoh....
reached ipoh around7sumthing....
then my parents went out for dinner wit another cousin...
so i stayed at home....
doing nothing but online le....
ate nasi briyani for dinner.....
NiCe Car riTe.....hehe:)this is the wedding car!!!!!the mickey n minnie
mouse is juz so cute.....BmW...hoW I WIsh I havE It!!!
Li WeI anD jiA vErN........
CHArLIe`s AngeL......
wEi,VeRn ANd YinG.......
gRoUP pHOto...... HanG fUK
UNcle..... hehe:)
Me WIt CUtiE piE.....
ShE iS sO CUtE anD aDorAbLe.....
ME aNd my leng Lui cousiN.....
cOUsIN`S fOREvER.......
wE roX tiLL THe mAX!!!!!!
The pictures above are the picture on the wedding dinner......
which is on the15NoV2008......
a MemORabLe WeDdINg DINnEr......
HopE foR MorE OutinG likE THiS so Tat Can have more time hanging out....
wit all the cousin......
M Social Resort Penang 𝐎𝐅𝐅𝐈𝐂𝐈𝐀𝐋𝐋𝐘 𝐎𝐏𝐄𝐍
6 days ago
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